
WRECKS4ALL 2.0 conference

The Adriatic Sea holds a wealth of underwater archaeological sites, from ancient shipwrecks to submerged archaeological landscapes. With the increasing interest in maritime cultural heritage, there is a growing need for responsible and sustainable management of these precious resources. 

The conference titled "The Future of the Adriatic Past - Challenges of the Adriatic Underwater Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Tourism Development" will take place on April 23, 2024, at Hotel Cattaro in Kotor.

Freediver Alessia Zecchini Sets New CMAS World Record

Alessia Zecchini surpassed her previous CMAS Free Immersion world record by 3 meters on April 19th, reaching a depth of 104 meters. Her record dive took her 3min 46sec.

This new FIM record was established during the Camotes Freediving Challenge near Cebu, Philippines, on its second day. This week-long, limited-entry event began on April 17th. In Free Immersion, divers do not use fins and must descend and ascend by pulling themselves along the rope.

Some of the historic and modern-day mussel shells used in the study

Mussel shells along US East Coast have higher porosity

Researchers from the American Museum of Natural History have discovered that the porosity in mussel shells along the East Coast of the United States has increased. The cause is believed to be rising ocean temperatures.  

Porosity can affect the structural integrity of mollusk shells, so this means that the shells are weaker and thus more susceptible to damage. 

The findings was published in the journal PLOS ONE

Screening of 50 hours underwater – a dive for hope

Providing a rare glimpse into the mysterious underwater world, the documentary features captivating stories untold, vibrant visuals, and thought-provoking themes that speak of resilience, triumph and societal issues.

In celebrating the incredible diversity and complexity of the underwater world, along with its numerous characters and issues, the documentary aims to ignite conversations and foster better understanding of, and appreciation for, the deep blue.

Long-spined sea urchins
Long-spined sea urchins (National Marine Sanctuaries/CC BY 4.0)

Transglobal Spread of a Sea Urchin Parasite

The study identified the parasite that devastated 95 percent of long-spined sea urchins in affected areas in the Caribbean Sea two years ago. It burrows into the tissue of the sea urchins and triggers abnormal behaviour. The urchins droop and lose their ability to control their tube feet, which are crucial for movement. They lose their spines, then tissue necrosis sets in, leading to the death of the sea urchins.

Tones & Tonality: Contributors' Picks

Photo by Scott Bennett: Bigeye jacks, Sipadan, Malaysia—cool tones. Gear: Nikon D200 camera, Sigma 10-20mm lens at 10mm, Hugyfot housing, two Ikelite D125 strobes. Exposure: ISO 100, f/6.3, 1/80s.

We asked our contributors to share their favorite underwater photos that showcase tones and tonality, and they returned with a range of wide-angle and macro shots featuring a variety of marine life, reefs and topography.

Jared Hires, DEMA 2023

Jared Hires Cause of Death: Medical, Not Machine or Mistake

Exactly a week ago my phone started pinging late at night. I was getting messages from too many people who I deem a credible source, of the tragic news that Jared Hires had died at Plura Cave.

I got the news confirmed. Cried. Then opened up my laptop and wrote an article announcing Jared Hire's death. At present over 45,000 of you have read it. 

Explorer Ventures Announces 2024 Year of Savings Specials

For over 36 years we've offered exceptional diving holidays, now at even better prices. Browse our list of world-class diving destinations by date, or destination, and see why your next trip should be with us. It's time to break away from the ordinary and dive into the extraordinary.

Select your next 2024 liveaboard holiday and take advantage of great prices! 

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