Editing & Post-processing

Photo of a diver on the wreck of the Stolt Dagali off the New Jersey coast in the United States, which has been modified by Generative Fill AI in Photoshop. The original image is inside the dashed-line border.

New Video on AI in Underwater Photography

Have look at this video of an excellent, informative and entertaining presentation on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in underwater photography, namely Generative Fill in Photoshop, by regular contributor and avid underwater photographer and technical diver Michael Rothschild.

Retouching Underwater Images

Image 2. Problem zones can be identified (red circles) by zooming into an area of the tutorial image.

It should not happen but sometimes it does anyway: those annoying little white dots in our underwater images, which detract from the overall impression of the photograph. Known as backscatter, these dots appear when small particles in the water reflect the light from a strobe. The more directly the strobe light hits a subject, the higher the risk of backscatter. That is why a strobe should not be pointed straight at a subject.

Proper Export of Underwater Images in Postproduction

Lionfish, the image to be used for this tutorial
Lionfish, the image to be used for this tutorial

In this series of articles on postproduction of underwater images, we have worked a lot on white balance settings, basic and advanced exposure corrections, contrast and curves, advanced techniques of removing colour casts, basic and advanced retouching, final colour boost, cropping and sharpening. Finally, our image is ready! And now, we arrive at the question: What do I do with it?