March 2023

Rekompression i vand: Er det en god eller skidt ide?

Divers at decostop
Dykkere på et dekostop. Er rekompression i vand i tilfælde DCI en brugbar nødløsning hvis man ikke kan komme til et trykkammer indenfor rimelig tid?

Forestil dig, at du befinder dig et eller andet fjerntliggende sted, hvor det vil tage lang tid at komme til et trykkammer. Hvad gør du, hvis du får trykfaldssyge? Hopper du tilbage i vandet for at rekom­primere? Den fremherskende visdom i de senere år har været, at rekompression i vand er for risikabelt og bør undgås, men sagen er måske ikke så sort og hvid alligevel.

Visit the Forgotten Islands, Alor and Komodo on the Arenui in April & May, 2023

April 11-19, 2023: There is one remaining cabin available for this 8 night cruise through the Forgotten Island, beginning and ending in Saumlaki.

April 21-May 2, 2023: There is one remaining cabin available for this 11 night cruise through the Forgotten Islands and Alor, beginning in Saumlaki and ending in Maumere.

May 4-15, 2023: There is one remaining cabin and a single female shared cabin available on this 11 night cruise through Alor and Komodo, beginning in Maumere and ending in Labuanbajo.

The Best Restaurants and Bars in Fort Lauderdale

For people who enjoy everything sea-related or beautiful views of the setting sun in Florida, Fort Lauderdale is the ideal location to relocate to. You may explore and enjoy both packed and uninhabited beaches along the city's more than 23 kilometers of coastline. You might even be shocked to learn that some of these districts are only 30 minutes away from the beaches. Also, you will witness breathtaking golden sunsets that you have never witnessed before!

Biologi kurser 2023

Det vil være rigtig fedt, hvis klubben skal på en koralrevstur, og vi så kan planlægge kurset efter den tur. Kurset vil naturligvis være åbent for resten af forbundets medlemmer, men hvis klubben selv har de første 5-7 deltagere, så er der større sandsynlighed for at vi kan afvikle kurset.


Nye kurser i kalenderen


Ocean discovery - Tærskelfjord

Den 25.marts 2023

Kursus 123 på Tailor

Meaning, strategies, concepts, and pedagogical tools in the science classroom

The study of science is a vital component of a balanced and well-rounded education because it gives pupils a basis on which to build knowledge of the world in which they live. The development of analytical thinking abilities, the promotion of scientific literacy, and the encouragement of a never-ending interest in the natural world are the goals of education in the sciences.