December 2022

ProTek Watch Introduces New Titanium Field Series

Time Concepts introduces the third ProTek series in its new collection of tritium tactical watches, from the Former Owner and Founder of Luminox, Barry Cohen.

Following the launch of the Carbon Dive Series and the Steel Dive Series, ProTek announces the launch of its Field Series.

All series in the ProTek brand are designed for a similar core group that includes Law Enforcement, SWAT, Tactical, Military, Special Forces, Fire Fighters, and First Responders.

Practices to Help Companies Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

Businesses are finally taking responsibility for their carbon footprint. With companies like Ikea reaching carbon neutrality, it’s now not only ethical to be a sustainable company, but also potentially profitable. Consumers appreciate brands that support causes they are passionate about and are dependably willing to do more business with them.

Tips for Starting an Environmentally Focused Nonprofit Organization

Perhaps starting a nonprofit organization has been a dream of yours for a long time, or perhaps it has only recently become a goal. Wherever you are on the journey towards creating a new nonprofit, there’s plenty to think through and plan out before your organization becomes a reality.

And if a core focus of yours is to create an entity that is environmentally focused, that comes with it a full set of considerations that are important to give some thought to as you begin. Here are a few tips about how to create a nonprofit organization with a strong environmental bent.

I bagklogskabens lys

Når jeg ser mig selv i spejlet kan jeg godt se at skægget er blevet hvidt men det begyndte allerede at gråne i studietiden så det føler jeg mig ikke ældet over og der er stadig fart og distance over motionen (men lad lige vær’ med at spørge ind til restitutionstid, tak).  

Jesper Risløv, President of the Danish Sportdiving Federation
Jesper Risløv, President of the Danish Sportdiving Federation

En større synlighed

Kulden har efterhånden fået temperaturerne både under og over overfladen til at falde. Heldigvis betyder det ikke, at der ikke er aktiviteter i forbundet og ude i klubberne.

Det varer ikke længe før det udskudte DM i Fridykning bliver afviklet i Odense – dette finder sted den 11. december.

Der skal også lyde et stort tillykke til de nyudklækkede danmarksmestre for herre Aqua-Quick. De har endvidere deltaget i turnering for klubhold i Berlin og fik en flot 5. plads.

Acoustic signals show blue whales go to oceanic upwellings to feed

From March to July, phytoplankton blooms emerge along Calfornia’s Central Coast, as seasonal winds push the top layer of the waters out to sea, thereby allowing the cooler, nutrient-rich waters to rise to the surface.

Many marine animals are drawn to such oceanic upwellings, which consequently turn into their feeding grounds. For instance, krill gather to feed on the abundant phytoplankton, whilst blue whales converge to feed on the krill.

Once the upwelling ceases, these marine creatures move elsewhere.

As to why the footfall was so good, I cannot say for sure, but my guess is that it was partly due to a pent-up appetite after the pandemic

Baltictech 2022 impressions

This was my first visit to a Baltictech conference. At long last, I finally got the chance as it wasn't held almost at the same time as DEMA—which is always a priority because of the significant amount of our business we conduct there.

Baltictech, like other such conferences, has been held every other year in recent years, but not since 2019 due to the epidemic so this time around, there was a three-year break.

Pukkelhvaler bruger karakteristiske vokaliseringer til at identificere sig som tilhørende bestemte klaner.

Kaskelotter danner klaner med forskellig kultur

Efter at have studeret mere end 23.000 kaskelot-sange optaget mellem 1978 til 2017 i Stillehavet, har forskere kunne fastslå, at kaskelothvaler bruger karakteristiske vokaliseringer til at identificere sig som tilhørende specifikke klaner.

Disse vokaliseringer kaldes ”identitetskoder” og omfatter sekvenser af kliklyde, der adskiller forskellige sociale grupper. De er forskellige fra ikke-identitetsvokaliseringer, der bruges på tværs af alle de forskellige hvalklaner.

The steamship SS Pacific went down in November of 1875 with the loss of at least 325 passengers.
The steamship SS Pacific went down in November of 1875 with the loss of at least 275 passengers and crew.

Steamship lost in 1875 off Washington coast located

The SS Pacific was on its way from Puget Sound and Victoria to San Francisco when it collided with a big sailing ship in the dark off Cape Flattery on November 4, 1875 and sank in less than an hour. The Pacific had an estimated 275 passengers and crew aboard of which only two survived, making the sinking the most deadly maritime disaster in Northwest history. 

Only a handful of details of what happened came to light afterwards because there were only two survivors—one who floated around on debris for 40 hours, and another for 80 hours.